Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH comparison

In the book of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Mr. Ages was open-minded and kind, the lady shrew was not mean until the rats came to move Mrs. Frisby’s house but even then she was just worried that the rats were stealing Mrs. Frisby’s house, the shrew was smaller than the mice, Martin (Mrs. Frisby’s eldest son) was 1.Patient, 2.Intelligent, and 3.Gentle, Jeremy was not the smartest crow, but not the dumbest crow, and last but certainly not least THE BOOK WAS EXCELLENT!!!
In the movie however… Mr. Ages was Grumpy and rude, the shrew… well name explains her personality in the movie, Martin was insensitive and dumb, and Jeremy was careless about everything he did, AND THE MOVIE WAS HORRIBLE!!!
The similarities are that Mrs. Frisby, Jeremy, Nicodemus, Timothy, Cynthia, Teresa, the shrew, Justin, and Mr. Ages were all in the book and in the movie.
So basically the book was absolutely amazing! But the movie was just painful to watch after reading such a good book. My advice to you if you haven’t watched the movie of Mrs. Frisby... PLEASE DON’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. hey laura, I love how you used juicy words, such as “exellent” and “horrible” great job! nice color choice too!

  2. I really liked how you used such juicy words suck as, excellent, intelligent, patient and gentle. Great fluency. I love the colors you used, they are really bright which makes you're post stand out!
